Where is Serve's corporate headquarters?
Serve is headquartered at 730 Broadway, Redwood City, CA 94063.
Where is Serve incorporated?
Serve is incorporated in the State of Delaware.
When did Serve become a public reporting company?
Serve completed its reverse merger with Patricia Acquisition Corp. on July 31, 2023.
Where is Serve’s stock traded?
Serve’s common stock trades on the Nasdaq under the ticker symbol “SERV”.
What is Serve’s fiscal year?
Serve's fiscal year ends on December 31.
Does Serve stock pay dividends?
Serve does not currently pay a dividend to stockholders, nor does its Board of Directors currently contemplate future payments of such a dividend.
How can I purchase/trade Serve’s stock?
Please contact your broker to purchase Serve stock.
Who is Serve's transfer agent?
Our transfer agent is VStock Transfer, LLC.
Who is Serve's auditor?
Our independent accountants are DBBMckennon located in Newport Beach, California.
Who is Serve's legal counsel?
Our legal counsel is Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP located in Boston, Massachusetts.
How can I receive email updates on Serve Robotics?
You may sign up for investor relations updates here.
Whom should I contact regarding delivery orders, robots, or customer service inquiries?
Please contact our Operations team at contactserve@serverobotics.com.
Whom should I contact regarding investor inquiries?
Please contact us at investor.relations@serverobotics.com or submit your inquiry via our Contact Us page.